Sunday, January 9, 2011


In the infinite wisdom of the jackass I call chief, one must not work in a narcotics unit too long or you will forget how to write wreck reports and harass soccer moms.  The old bastard hasn't hit the streets in twenty years, yet he knows what's best?  There are a few of us in the task force from my department.  He is pulling all of us out.  I really don't understand his reasoning.  We all love what we are doing and are very good at it.  The task force administration has invested thousands of dollars training us and among us we have about thirty years experience, most of which is in narcotics work. Now we will be wasting our talent, training and experience directing school traffic and shaking doors.  Apparently the chief wants to give other guys a shot at the training and experience.  Yeah, right.  Chief, we have friends in your administration.  Guys with whom we have shed blood, sweat and tears.  Did you really think they wouldn't tell us the truth.  We know that you have a couple of "chief's boys" lined up to take our spot.  Hurry up and retire, asshole, or die.  I don't really care which.

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