Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year, Old Me

I've had a really great time during the holidays this year.  I've spent some good quality time with family and friends, and I have been able to work on some things too.  Now that the holidays are over, it's back to business.  Starting today I am going back to the guy I used to be.  I'm not really making a New Year's resolution.  Nobody ever sticks to those.  They are just public proclamations to make you feel better about yourself.  I am talking about wholesale lifestyle changes.  Here's the plan:
1.       Get back in shape. 
2.       Grow my business.
3.       Stop dressing like a bum.
4.       Worry about myself more.
5.       Hunt tweakers with a vengeance.

Sounds simple enough.  Time to get to work!

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