Saturday, December 4, 2010

Officer Down

An officer I met died one year ago today. 
     Officer, I met you once or twice, but I didn't know you.  Strangely, I shed more tears at your funeral than those of people I knew and loved.  I have always seen tears as a sign of weakness, yet I cried openly, surrounded by my brothers in blue, at your wake.  It was a strange feeling for me.  It almost felt wrong to be so upset over a stranger.  I really wondered why and it was months of self-reflection before I figured it out.  Your death brought reality home.  You were the first cop I ever met that was killed in the line of duty.  Your wife's tears showed me the tears my Angel would cry for me. It forced me to confront my complacent attitude, and modify it.  I had gotten too comfortable and sure of myself.  Your sacrifice has made me more careful.  For that, I am very thankful.  I know that experience has been repeated a hundred times over across the region.  You did not die in vain.  Rest in peace, brother.

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